Real-life Uses of Friction

Friction has a wide variety of uses in our daily life. Few real-life uses of Friction are the following:


Frictional force is very important as it helps us in walking. Whenever we walk on the road or ground, it is this Frictional Force which is responsible for holding the contact between the feet and the ground. If the surface is rough, there is less chance to slip while slippery surfaces have less friction which increases the chance of slipping.


In our day-to-day lives, we need to carry things from one place to another. So, to place objects from one point to another point we need to grab them. We can grab them with the help of friction. This frictional force is applied between the fingers and the objects that we are holding.


In our daily life, we need to write something. So, in writing there is a use of friction. When we write friction force is applied between the pencil or pen and the paper upon which we are writing. If there is no friction available, then we will not be able to write.

Lightning a Matchstick

In our daily life, we need to cook food. So, while cooking food we need matchsticks to turn on the LPG stove. So, lighten the matchstick, we need to run the stick to the box. Due to the friction between the matchstick and the box, flame is produced. If there was no friction, the matchstick would slip and flame would not be produced.

Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments play an important role in friction in its operation. When we rub our finger against the wires that are placed in the musical instruments, it generates sounds due to the friction produced between the finger and the wires.


In our daily lives, we need to travel from one place to another to meet our requirements. Due to this frictional force between the road surface and the tires of the car, we can move the car. It is this frictional force, that allows us to accelerate, decelerate and stop the vehicle.

Braking in Rail Transport

Friction is an important factor when considering rail transport. To stop the fast-moving train, we need to apply brakes. When we apply brakes the wheel of the train rubs against the track of the railway which causes frictional force to be generated. This causes the train to stop.

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Real Life Uses of Friction

Friction is a force used in our daily lives that works on the principle of opposing the motion of the object to which it is applied. It acts between two surfaces when one surface is in a state of motion. It is a type of force that is essential in our everyday lives. It always works in the direction opposite to that of the direction in which motion in which it is applied. It is measured in the unit of force Newton (N).

In this article, we will explore the real-life uses of Friction and their impact on modern technology and everyday life. This force plays an important role in every aspect of our day-to-day lives.

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