Real Life Applications of Coal

What exactly is coal used for?

Coal is used for many applications around the world. The three major uses of coal are in electricity production, steel manufacture, cement making and its use a liquid fuel.

Does coal fall under the category of renewable resources or not?

Coal is a kind of finite, nature exhausted fuel source. It is formed from the sediments of the material that was once living organisms, reaching the rock as far as millions years ago. Coal stores, as a non-recurring raw material, are not renewable and are limited.

What are the various coal grades?

  • Anthracite: It represents the highest grade containing 85-95% of coal. It just burns long and leaves without flame and smoke. Acting as a home heating and commercial heating source.
  • Bituminous: It is a moderately soft bituminous coal consisting of 50-85% carbon. It is applied for electricity generation and coal carbonization for the steel industry.
  • Sub-bituminous: It is a bituminous coal carrying 35-45% bound carbon. Primarily electricity generation application.
  • Lignite: It is the coal having the lowest grade but 25-35% carbon contained in it. First and foremost, it is used for electricity generation, which is related to its low energy density.

What could be the environmental problems related to coal-fired power plants?

The burning of coal produces greenhouse gases as well as pollution in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), etc. The release of these pollutants into the environment increases the levels of air pollution, acid rains and global warming. This has led to the promotion of cleaner coal technologies as well as the transition to renewable energy.

Real Life Applications of Coal

Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock having wide range of applications. Coal is one of the most abundant fossil fuels and has been used for centuries as a source of energy for heating, electricity generation, and industrial processes.

From generating electricity to the production of iron and steel, the impact of coal can be seen in various products and infrastructure on which we rely on.

In this article, you will learn some of the promising applications of coal and how they are critical for the world economy.

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