Reasons why archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters and later become herders

  1. Evidence of animal bones:  Archaeologists have found a lot of animal bones at Mehrgarh. These bones show that the early inhabitants of the site hunted a variety of animals, including gazelles, deer, and wild boars. This suggests that hunting was an important part of their diet.
  2. Absence of domesticated animals: No evidence of domesticated animals has been found at the site. This suggests that the people who lived there did not yet practice herding.
  3. Evidence of agriculture: In the later levels of Mehrgarh, evidence of agriculture has been found. This suggests that the people who lived there began to grow crops, which may have freed up some of their time and allowed them to focus on herding.
  4. Evidence of urbanization: Mehrgarh is one of the earliest known urban settlements in South Asia. This suggests that the people who lived there were able to support a larger population through a combination of agriculture and herding.

Archaeologists believe that the people of Mehrgarh began to shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a herding lifestyle in the 4th millennium BCE. This is based on the evidence of domesticated animals found at the site, such as cattle, sheep, and goats.

One reason for moving towards a herding lifestyle was that herding can provide a more reliable source of food than hunting and gathering. Domesticated animals can be milked, their meat can be eaten, and their skins can be used for clothing and shelter.

Another reason why archaeologists believe that the people of Mehrgarh may have shifted to herding is that it allows for a more settled lifestyle. Hunter-gatherers typically need to move around frequently in search of food, but herders can stay in one place and tend to their animals. This can lead to the development of more complex social structures and economic activity.

They continued to live in the region for thousands of years, but the site was eventually abandoned in the 2nd millennium BCE. The reasons for this are not fully understood.

Important Terms:

  • Hunter-gatherer: A type of society that relies on hunting and gathering for its food. Hunter-gatherers typically live in small groups and move around frequently in search of food.
  • Herding: The practice of raising livestock for food and other products. Herders typically live in larger groups than hunter-gatherers and are less mobile.
  • Urbanization: The process of a settlement growing into a city. Urbanization is often accompanied by changes in social organization, economic activity, and culture.

Why do archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and that herding became more important later?

Mehrgarh is an archaeological site in Balochistan, Pakistan. Mehrgarh is one of the earliest known urban settlements in South Asia, dating back to the 7th millennium BCE. The site has been excavated by archaeologists in1970s, and it has yielded a wealth of information about the early inhabitants of the region.

One of the most interesting things that archaeologists have learned about Mehrgarh is that the people who lived there were initially hunter-gatherers. This is based on the various evidence found at the site such as animal bones found at the site, which show that the early inhabitants of Mehrgarh hunted a variety of animals, including gazelles, deer, and wild boars.

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Reasons why archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters and later become herders

Evidence of animal bones:  Archaeologists have found a lot of animal bones at Mehrgarh. These bones show that the early inhabitants of the site hunted a variety of animals, including gazelles, deer, and wild boars. This suggests that hunting was an important part of their diet. Absence of domesticated animals: No evidence of domesticated animals has been found at the site. This suggests that the people who lived there did not yet practice herding. Evidence of agriculture: In the later levels of Mehrgarh, evidence of agriculture has been found. This suggests that the people who lived there began to grow crops, which may have freed up some of their time and allowed them to focus on herding. Evidence of urbanization: Mehrgarh is one of the earliest known urban settlements in South Asia. This suggests that the people who lived there were able to support a larger population through a combination of agriculture and herding....

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