Recruiter Call

  • This was a 30-minute phone call round scheduled with the recruiter.
  • The recruiter called and began with her short introduction. Similarly, I started with my introduction, background, and skills.
  • The recruiter then asked me a few questions about my academia, projects, and the technologies I have worked on.
  • After this, she shed some light on the company’s work culture, the position I was interviewing for, and the interview process.
  • She also provided me with an opportunity to shoot any questions and I utilized this chance to ask her about the company’s mission and the ideal qualifications the company looks for Early Career Software Engineer role.

Affirm Interview Experience for Software Engineer

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Recruiter Call:

This was a 30-minute phone call round scheduled with the recruiter. The recruiter called and began with her short introduction. Similarly, I started with my introduction, background, and skills. The recruiter then asked me a few questions about my academia, projects, and the technologies I have worked on. After this, she shed some light on the company’s work culture, the position I was interviewing for, and the interview process. She also provided me with an opportunity to shoot any questions and I utilized this chance to ask her about the company’s mission and the ideal qualifications the company looks for Early Career Software Engineer role....

Technical Round 1 (Coding):

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