Republic Day Speech for School Students

Respected Principal Sir, my dear brothers and sisters, and my lovely friends. As we you we all gathered here to celebrate the 75th Republic Day of India. My Name is [Harsh Kumar] and on this prestigious day, I have got a chance to deliver my speech on Republic Day in front of you all.

Today, we are gathered to celebrate a very special day in our country’s history – Republic Day. On this day, January 26th, back in 1950, our country India became a Republic. But what does that mean? It means that on this day, we have our very own Constitution, which is like a big rule book that guides how our country should be run.

The Constitution is a very important document because it gives us our rights as citizens of India. It tells us that no matter what our religion, race, or language is, we are all equal. This is a day to remember how far we have come as a nation and to honor the people who fought for our freedom and made this day possible.

“Freedom in our mind, faith in our words, Pride in our hearts, memories in our souls. Let’s salute the nation on Republic Day, For the glory of India, forever shall stay.”

On Republic Day, we see big parades in New Delhi, our capital city. These parades show the strength of our armed forces and the rich culture of our country. We see soldiers marching, tanks rolling, and even fighter jets flying in the sky. It’s a day of pride for all Indians.

But Republic Day is not just about parades and celebrations. It’s a day to think about our duties as citizens of this great country. We should remember to always respect each other, keep our surroundings clean, and study hard to make our country proud.

So, let’s celebrate this day with a lot of joy and pride. Let’s promise to be good citizens and work hard to make our country even better.

Happy Republic Day to all of you!

Jai Hind!

Republic Day Speech 2024 in English: Short and Long Speech for Students

Republic Day 2024 is around the corner. There are only a few days left before the celebration of the 75th Republic Day in India. On this day, various cultural events, and speech competitions are organized in schools and colleges all over India.

We have curated Republic Day speech in English and Hindi with short and long speeches.

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Republic Day Speech for School Students

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