Requirements of the System

Functional Requirements:

  • Book an event: In a calendar, we are able to add an event with other people. It can be a single user or multiple users.
  • Check availability of users: While we are scheduling an event before that if we can figure out in that particular time the person is available or not.
  • Invite users to the meeting/event: The user should be able to invite other users to the meeting or event. The number of users invited for a scheduled meeting can be one or more than one.
  • Request RSVP: Before posting an invite to the person we want to know if that particular user is already blocked or if he is available. So these types of responses can be handled by requesting RSVP.
  • Meeting Reminders: Getting a notification before the time for a particular meeting with a particular person about the agenda and all those details would help prepare for the meeting beforehand.
  • Modify the meeting /event: This includes making changes to an existing meeting or event that you have created or have been invited to.
  • Cancel a meeting/event: This includes deleting or removing a meeting or event that you have created or have been invited to.
  • Lookup for all meetings in the calendar: This includes viewing a list of all events that have been designated as meetings or events.
  • View Calendar: This allows the user to see their scheduled events and appointments in a visual format which can be a monthly, weekly, or daily view, and it includes details such as the date, time, location, and description of each event.

Non-Functional Requirements:

  • High availability: This means that users should be able to use Google Calendar whenever they need it, without experiencing any significant interruptions or downtime.
  • Eventual Consistency: This means that sometimes changes made to an event might not show up for everyone right away, but eventually the changes will be applied and everyone’s calendar will show the same updated event.
  • Low/minimum latency: This means that the application should respond quickly to your requests and updates, so you don’t have to wait for a long time to see your changes.
  • Durable storage: The system should be durable enough to not lose any kind of user and meeting data.

System Design – Design Google Calendar

Google Calendar is like a special calendar that we can use on our computer or phone. We can use it to remember important things, like birthdays, appointments, and events. We can also set reminders to help us remember when something is coming up soon. We can also share our calendars with our family or friends. It’s like having our own special schedule that helps us keep track of everything that we need to do.

With Google Calendar, we can quickly schedule meetings and events and get reminders about upcoming activities, so we always know what’s next.

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