Resize an Image

We can perform certain functions on the image like resizing it, changing its color, convert into an array, etc before training any model. To resize the shape of the image, resize() method is invoked on the image. The size in which we want to convert the image should be iterable. 


img = load_img('dog.jpg')
# change image size
image = img.resize([30, 30])
# print new image size


(30, 30)

We can see in the output, 30 x 30 is the new size of the image.

Image Processing with Keras in Python

In this article, we are doing Image Processing with Keras in Python. Keras API is a deep learning library that provides methods to load, prepare and process images. 

We will cover the following points in this article:

  • Load an image
  • Process an image
  • Convert Image into an array and vice-versa
  • Change the color of the image
  • Process image dataset

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Resize an Image


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