Response in Postman

Let’s talk about the way the API response is visualized in Postman. Firstly, we have status codes, time section, and size are present.

Status Code

In the example above, on the right side, “200 OK” is the status code.

  1. Postman provides status information, like “200” in our case.
  2. Detailed information about what “200” generally means is available, to have a better understanding of unfamiliar status codes.
  3. A string description is also provided; for example, “200” translates to “ok.”


The “524ms” represents the time section.

  1. This represents the time taken by the server to respond to the request.
  2. Clicking on it reveals a detailed breakdown of events, from socket initialization to response downloading.
  3. Useful for primary performance testing of any API.


The next time, size is present (“1.89 KB” in the image).

  1. Postman displays the size of both the request and response.
  2. It breaks down the size of each component in the request and response.
  3. This feature aids in the initial analysis of request and response data.


The body section is nothing where our actual response is displayed. We can see different options available to view the body, Pretty, Raw, Preview, and Visualize.

The difference between these three can be better understood by the following example:

Lets take “amazon” website.

I had made an get call for “”.

1. Pretty:

  • It shows information in a visually pleasing way, using different colors for keys (like ID) and values to make it easy to read.
  • Specifically designed for JSON data, it uses colored syntax for a visually appealing response.
  • You can collapse individual items or the entire response for simpler interaction.
  • The user-friendly design makes it straightforward to understand the data structure, with distinct colors for keys (e.g., id, category) and values (e.g., coffee, true).

Pretty view of Amazon website

2. Raw:

  • It presents data in its raw form, without formatting or color, displaying raw JSON.
  • This can be challenging to read because of the absence of visual structure.
  • However, it is crucial for grasping the unaltered representation of the data.

Raw view of Amazon website

3. Preview:

  • Postman makes data easy to view, particularly for formats like images or non-JSON types such as HTML.
  • It uses different colors to enhance readability when displaying non-JSON data, improving the overall user experience.

Preview view of Amazon website

4. Visualize:

  • The visualization section is helpful when we have added some test scripts and also add some graphics to visualize our test.
  • In Postman, the Visualize section displays response data in a user-friendly manner, making it easy to understand.
  • It supports different formats like images and uses colors to enhance readability, creating a simple and accessible experience for users.

Visualize section example

Since we do not have any test scripts right now for this request, this section is empty.

Response in Postman

Postman, a popular API testing tool, plays a crucial role in helping developers interact with APIs seamlessly. It serves as an essential tool for efficient testing and debugging. With its user-friendly interface, Postman simplifies the analysis of responses, providing insights into various aspects such as status codes and response body options. This understanding is essential for ensuring successful API testing and debugging processes.

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