RGB Color Code

An RGB color code is a tuple containing 3 numbers representing Red, Green, and Blue color values, respectively. Ex. The color code tuple for a 24-bit color system (channel_intensity < 256) would be:

Syntax: (X, Y, Z)


  • X => Red channel intensity
  • Y => Green channel intensity
  • Z => Blue channel intensity

And the intensity of all channels should be less than 256 (for an 8-bit per channel system).

Hence for pure red color, the color code would be

(255, 0, 0)


  • Red  = 255
  • Green  = 0
  • Blue = 0

Similarly, over 16 million colors could be uniquely represented. Throughout the article, the 8-bit per channel color space would be considered.

Create Random Hex Color Code Using Python

A Hexadecimal color code represents a color code in hexadecimal form. Color codes are the defacto method of representing a color. It helps accurately represent the color, regardless of the display calibration. This article will teach you how to create random hexadecimal color codes in Python

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