Right-to-work laws in US

Right-to-work laws are state laws that prohibit making union membership or the payment of union fees a condition of employment. This means workers can’t be forced to join a union or pay dues as a requirement to get or keep a job. Even in right-to-work states, federal law still protects workers’ right to form and join unions, and to engage in collective bargaining if they choose to do so.

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Is Right to Work applicable in Michigan?

No, Michigan reversed its right-to-work law for private-sector workers on March 24, 2023.

Private-sector employees in Michigan will no longer be protected by right-to-work legislation 90 days after the 2023 legislative session, which is expected to take place in mid to late March 2024. After the reversal takes effect, they will be required to join a union and pay union dues or membership fees to maintain employment, but only if their labor contract includes a union security clause. Essentially, this means that private-sector employees in Michigan will no longer have the option to opt-out of union membership or paying union dues, as these requirements will become mandatory.

However, the reversal does not change “dues checkoff” obligations, requiring employers to still deduct dues from wages and submit them to the union if an employee authorizes dues checkoff. Public sector workers remain unaffected by this reversal and cannot be compelled to pay union dues for employment unless there are modifications to the Janus v. AFSCME decision by the U.S. Supreme Court or amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The overturning of the “right-to-work” law in Michigan is significant as it marks the state as the first to repeal this statute in 58 years. This change also signifies that non-unionized workers are now obligated to pay union dues, even if they choose not to be part of the union, as a condition of employment.

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Right-to-work laws in US

Right-to-work laws are state laws that prohibit making union membership or the payment of union fees a condition of employment. This means workers can’t be forced to join a union or pay dues as a requirement to get or keep a job. Even in right-to-work states, federal law still protects workers’ right to form and join unions, and to engage in collective bargaining if they choose to do so....