Role and Responsibilities of a UX designer

  • Conducting market research, surveys and interviews.
  • Developing User personas.
  • Usability testing.
  • Communicating and Presenting information to business teams
  • Creating wireframes and prototypes with tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, etc.
  • Collaborating with Frontend developers.
  • Ensuring design consistency across platforms
  • Staying updated with the latest design trends and new tools for UI/UX Design

How to Get Started With UX Design?

UX design or User experience design is a set of processes that results in an easy-to-understand application or website with an effective experience. In the modern design industry where experience matters more than anything, the demand for good UX designers has been increasing rapidly. According to an estimate by CNN Money, the growth in demand for UX designers will grow by 13% from 2017 to 2027. This makes UX design a pretty lucrative field to make a career in, but most of the beginners in this field face issues with getting started in UX design. In this article, we will cover everything you should know to get started with UX design

How to Get Started With UX Design?

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How to Get Started With UX Design?

The learning mindset: The first step to getting started with UX design is pretty similar to what is the first step to get started with learning anything new. The first step is the have the right mindset which is the learning mindset. Except that a part of UX design is super interesting and a part of it is boring and be ready for both of them Find a good Course: There are many courses that can get you started with UX design. One thing that you must do before starting a course is that you should check out the qualifications for the instructor before buying a course. Our recommendation would be the Google UX course. Get started with UI design: UI design is a bit more easy to evaluate hence it is quite important to get a job in UI/UX field. Even if you are going for UX design make sure to understand have some projects in UI design. This will increase your chances of getting employed. Learn in Public: Everything that you learn, keep on posting it on your socials, specially LinkedIn and Twitter since there is a community of designers active in LinkedIn and Twitter. Also maybe a potential employer looks your designs in these social media channels and you may have a chance of getting hired. Create Projects: Now that you have known UX design till an intermediate level. Build some projects from scratch, the better way of doing this would be to work for some startups for free. Building projects will help you understand the entire process of UX design and well as have something to showcase in your resume. Look out of internships: Now that we are ready with some projects and have decent knowledge of the field. Start building your resume and applying for companies and startups, you can also register yourself in freelancing websites like Upwork. From here onwards, keep on learning and implementing and you may have a great career ahead of you....

Why UI/UX Design?

Low barrier to entry: Your educational background is not very important for UX design. Skills matter the most in UX design therefore anyone from any field can build a career in UX design. Awesome job prospects and increasing demand: Thousands of websites are being created every year and most of the professional websites require a UX designer to create the design. High salaries: average salary of a UX designer is about $90k in the US Opportunities: Can be a great launch pad for other tech careers like Product design and Product management....

UX deliverables

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Salary Expectations

According to some online surveys, the average salary of a UX Designer in India is about ₹4.5 LPA and an average salary of a UX Designer in the United States of America is close to $90k....

Skills Required for Becoming a UX Designer

Conducting Researches, Surveys and Interviews. Organizing large amount of data and presenting it effectively. Wireframing and Prototyping using tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, etc. User research and testing Developing User Personas Visual design principles and tools Web accessibility best practices...

Role and Responsibilities of a UX designer

Conducting market research, surveys and interviews. Developing User personas. Usability testing. Communicating and Presenting information to business teams Creating wireframes and prototypes with tools like Figma, Adobe XD, Sketch, etc. Collaborating with Frontend developers. Ensuring design consistency across platforms Staying updated with the latest design trends and new tools for UI/UX Design...


Using UX design, you can have a great impact not in just your user’s experience but also in your career. UX design is a field that is in high demand and this demand will only keep on increasing as more and more business are coming online. According to an estimate by CNN Money, the growth in demand of UX designers will grow by 13% from 2017 to 2027. This make UX design pretty lucrative field to make a career in. Make sure to note the points, like the article for future reference and follow the points discussed in the article to get started in the field of UX design....