ROLLUP Extension

The ROLLUP extension augments the GROUP BY clause to create subtotal and grand total rows in the result set. The syntax for using the ROLLUP is as follows:

The ROLLUP extension in MySQL is used with the GROUP BY clause to create subtotals and totals for the groups of the rows. It generates a result set that includes the subtotal rows and total rows.

The syntax for using the ROLLUP is as follows:

SELECT column1, column2, …, aggregate_function(column)

FROM table_name

GROUP BY column1, column2, … WITH ROLLUP;

In this syntax:

  • column1, column2, …: Columns used for the grouping the data.
  • aggregate_function: An aggregate function such as the SUM(), AVG(), COUNT() etc.
  • table_name: The name of the table from which data is retrieved.

Grouping Data with ROLLUP in SQL

Grouping data is a common operation in SQL when you want to aggregate data based on certain criteria. The MySQL provides the ROLLUP extension to the GROUP BY clause which allows you to generate subtotals and totals for the groups of rows. This article will give an overview of using the ROLLUP extension in MySQL to group data and calculate subtotals and totals.

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