Round-1 (Online Assessment)

  • The first round comprised two sections one is the foundation section which consists of numerical ability(20 Questions), Reasoning Ability (20 Questions) and verbal ability (25 Questions).
  • The next section is the Advanced Section which consists of Advanced quantitative ability, logical reasoning and advanced coding.
  • Advanced coding consists of two coding questions one is easy and the other is medium-level difficulty.
  • In that one question is “The sum of cubes of the digits of a number.”
  • The medium-level question is given a set of transactions in a supermarket where each transaction consists of the item name, item quantity and the price of one unit of the item we have to find the total revenue generated by the supermarket and also find the best-selling product.
  • The aptitude questions are somewhat lengthy proper practice is required to solve the questions in the given time.
  • You can practice aptitude and verbal ability from websites like Indiabix, w3wiki etc. as it helps to solve the questions in the online test easily.

TCS Interview Experience

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Round-1 (Online Assessment):

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