Round-2 Technical Interview + HR

There were 2 interviewers and they asked me for my introduction, 2 coding questions and 1 one-hour question.

Valid Anagram-

Difficulty– Easy

I told them about both the approaches sorting, and hashmap. They told me to code the best one i.e., using a hashmap. After writing the code they told me to dry run a test case step by step and also asked questions about time complexity and space complexity. I also told them about the edge case.

LRU Cache-

Difficulty– Medium

In the start, I misinterpreted the question and then tried to solve it again. i told them about two approached one with queue+ unoredred_map, and second with map+ unordered_map. They told me to code the second one. Similar to the first question they asked me about the dry run, time complexity, and space complexity. As the time remaining was less they didn’t tell me to optimize it further.


Tell me something about yourself that is not mentioned in the resume.

In the end, they asked me if I had any questions so I asked them about the work culture at Amazon and how I should prepare for my internship if I get selected.


  • I practised DSA using my notes and Striver’s SDE Sheet –
  • As Amazon is famous for asking dp questions I also practiced top 50 dp questions-
  • Speak openly with the interviewers and ask them any doubts that you have regarding the understanding of the question. Brush up the basic concepts like how to calculate time complexity and space complexity.

Verdict- 1 week later I received the mail that I was selected for 2 month SDE Internship.

Amazon Interview Experience For Software Development Engineer Internship (Off-Campus)

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