Round 2- (30 mins)

  • First, he told me to introduce myself.
  • Then he saw my resume and asked which programming languages I was comfortable with, after said C and C++.
  • He jumped into the coding part
  • Write a program to find a loop in a linked list.
  • Write a program to change the left subtree into the right subtree and the right subtree to the left subtree in a binary tree.
  • The first program I wrote, and then he asked me to explain the whole code, I explained.
  • I started the second program, but it was taking time, he said, “Can you tell me the logic?”, He was satisfied when I explained the logic.
  • Then he ask me about Quick sortThen I asked him, if should I write a code or an algorithm, he told me anything I would like, I wrote algo and he was satisfied.
  • After that he asked if I knew about paging, I said yes, and he asked “What is page fault ?”
  • Then he asked me, “What is virtual memory ?”
  • After that, he asked me if I liked networking or not, after I said yes, he asked “What is OSI model ?”
  • Then he asked me the difference between TCP and UDP
  • Then the interviewer asked me “Do you have any questions ?” –  I asked “What kind of responsibility am I going to get?
  • After his answer, he asked me again if I had any more questions.
  • After I said “I have no more questions” then he said “ok, now you can go”
  • Then I thank him and leave.

VMware Interview Experience

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Total There were 3 rounds:

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Round 1


Round 2- (30 mins)

First, he told me to introduce myself. Then he saw my resume and asked which programming languages I was comfortable with, after said C and C++. He jumped into the coding part Write a program to find a loop in a linked list. Write a program to change the left subtree into the right subtree and the right subtree to the left subtree in a binary tree. The first program I wrote, and then he asked me to explain the whole code, I explained. I started the second program, but it was taking time, he said, “Can you tell me the logic?”, He was satisfied when I explained the logic. Then he ask me about Quick sortThen I asked him, if should I write a code or an algorithm, he told me anything I would like, I wrote algo and he was satisfied. After that he asked if I knew about paging, I said yes, and he asked “What is page fault ?” Then he asked me, “What is virtual memory ?” After that, he asked me if I liked networking or not, after I said yes, he asked “What is OSI model ?” Then he asked me the difference between TCP and UDP Then the interviewer asked me “Do you have any questions ?” –  I asked “What kind of responsibility am I going to get? After his answer, he asked me again if I had any more questions. After I said “I have no more questions” then he said “ok, now you can go” Then I thank him and leave....

Round 3 – (15 mins, HR,On Google Meet)

HR introduced himself and asked me to introduce myself. Tell me everything about yourself from your middle school. How is your relationship with other friends who are selected for the HR round? What are your expectations from the company?  Do you have any questions? I asked a question about the life at VMWare. Then with warm thanks I left the room....