Round 1 (Technical Interview)

The interview process consisted of a technical round lasting for one hour. The technical interview was detailed and included a discussion on projects and internships. Here are some of the questions asked during the interview:

Topics: Python, Django, Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA), ORM Models, SQL Queries

  • what are Python data types, and how many data types are there in python? Difference between mutable and immutable data types.
  • Explain the difference between the range() and xrange() functions.
  • Describe the MVC architecture in Django.
  • Explain the purpose of Django’s ORM.
  • What are django-admin and and explain commands?
  • Difference between authentication and authorization?
  • What is the use of middleware in Django?
  • Write an SQL query to fetch the second-highest salary from a table.
  • Explain the difference between INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN in SQL.
  • How do you remove a key from a dictionary?
  • Write a Python code to find the frequency of words in a given text.

The interview went well, and I was satisfied with my responses to the Python-related questions, which included addressing real-world applications and solving practical problems. My understanding of web development topics was evaluated by the Django-related questions, while my algorithmic thinking was tested by the DSA problems.

The day after the technical interview, HR called me and congratulated me that I had received a job offer. We discussed when will I start and how much will I be paid and also discussed the roles responsibilities and formalities of joining.

Careers360 Interview Experience for Software Developer

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I applied for the position of Software Developer (Python) through the w3wiki career portal.

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Round 1 (Technical Interview)

The interview process consisted of a technical round lasting for one hour. The technical interview was detailed and included a discussion on projects and internships. Here are some of the questions asked during the interview:...