Round 2 (Verbal Assessment)

This round was also conducted on mettle and it was purely focused on speaking proficiency.

There were 4 sections

  • In the first section, we have to read the sentences shown and record them all the questions are timed so be quick.
  • In the second section, we have to listen to audio clips and then speak them and record them, listening carefully.
  • In the third section, we are given a topic and we have to think about it for 1 min and then speak on a topic for 1 minute.
  • In the fourth section, we have to listen to conversations and then answer questions related to it.

Overall listen carefully and try to write some points on paper.

Around 200 were shortlisted for the next round.

ZS Associates Interview Experience for BTSA

ZS Associate came to our college with two roles BTSA(Bussiness Technology Solutions Associate) and DAA(Decision analytics associate). For BTSA only CS, IT, and ECE were allowed for DAA all branches were allowed, Backlogs were allowed and above 70% in 10th, 12th, and college.

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