Round 3 : –

Now, only 10 – 12 students were remaining. Few people had a HR round for this, few didn’t even had this round. Mine was technical round.

My interview was taken by a senior person. He asked to me introduce myself, and then proceeded to ask about all my projects. Throughout the interview, he listened without cross – questioning me. After that, he asked if I had any questions for him. I asked few questions and it was over.

Final Result was declared within half and hour, and 9 people were selected at last. Fortunately, I was one of them.
The total interview process took nearly 11 hours.

Clear concept of data structure and algorithm is necessary, alongside knowledge of OOPS concepts, OS and DBMS. Project’s are also necessary, and having some interesting projects surely attracts curiosity of the interviewer. It should be kept in mind they look for a balanced candidate with knowledge in different fields.
During interview, keep on communicating with the interviewer, be curious and cross – question them.

All Practice Problems for Microsoft !

Microsoft IDC Interview Experience | Set 156 (Off-Campus for Full Time)

I applied to Microsoft through referral program for full – time position of software development engineer. All of the candidates who applied through referral were invited for an online coding test on co-cubes platform after 2-3 weeks.

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