Round 1 Aptitude Assessment (30 minutes)

Here you can take 3 languages C, C++, and Java so there were general MCQ questions on Java which I completed in 30 minutes here we need to be quick and fast enough to complete.

Round 2: Online Coding Assessment (45 minutes)

Question 1 (Very Easy): finding a lucky number

Question 2 (Easy): You have given string str containing 0 and 1. You have to remove either of the substrings 01 or 10 and print the minimum length of the resultant input-1010 output-2 .

After my assessment, I was shortlisted for the next round which was Behavioral Assessment.

HSBC Interview Experience for Software Engineer 2024

HSBC visited our campus on 27th September 2023 and offered a Trainee Software Engineer profile. It had 3 online rounds followed by 2 rounds of Interviews.

Online Test: There were 2 online assessment rounds.

Round 1 was held on September 27th.

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Round 1: Aptitude Assessment (30 minutes) :

Here you can take 3 languages C, C++, and Java so there were general MCQ questions on Java which I completed in 30 minutes here we need to be quick and fast enough to complete....

Round 2: Behavioral Assessment :

It was Held on September 28th: Here you should be fast enough to choose the particular option that assesses the kind of person you are. Then It took time to declare the shortlists for Interviews we had an interview scheduled on 4th November....