Round 2: DSA/PSDS

(1 hr for solution discussion, optimization and coding)

In this round, I was asked 2 LC-Medium problems and the panel were all SDE-2s working at Flipkart.

Problem 1: Although I don’t remember the exact problem, I could reduce the question to finding overlapping intervals based on certain scenarios which can be solved by the line sweeps approach:

Problem2: Standard problem: Print Level order traversal of a binary tree using Given Inorder and Preorder Traversal

Code should compile and execute all test cases and should be neat. Explain your intuition and logic clearly.

Concepts used in the above problems- Sorting, TreeSet, Binary Trees, Recursive Subproblems

I had solved around 120 medium problems in Leetcode, so this was an easy one.

Flipkart Interview Experience For SDE-2 (Off-Campus)

The interview rounds kick-started around 1st week of March 2024 and the details are as below:

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