Round 2: English Test + Game-based + Behavioural

English Test :

It consisted of 30 questions which were needed to be solved in 30 min. The level of the questions was easy to moderate. The questions were from topics like :

  • Active–passive voice
  • Direct Indirect Speech
  • Passages
  • Correct the sentences
  • Fact, inference, judgment
  • Vocabulary

Gaming-based :

There were a total of 5 games. In each game, you need to play as many levels as you can in the given amount of time. Before playing each game you will be provided a reference tutorial showing how to play that game. So, don’t worry it will be easy.

The games will be based on memory, motion mirror images, etc.

Behavioural round :

Here you will be given 100 questions and the question will be like,

  • For each question, you need to select one of the options from agreeing, disagree, strongly Agree, and Neither Agree nor Disagree.
  • Try to be honest and give your own opinion on every question. They are just seeing whether you will be a good fit for the company or not.

NOTE: All the above rounds were web-proctored.

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