Round 3: HR/Managerial Interview

The third round shifted focus to a more personal and project-centric discussion. The interviewer asked about my projects, and I elaborated on an NLP project I had undertaken. This discussion led to a broader conversation about the challenges and learnings from the project.

Next, I was asked to describe a project beyond Machine Learning. I shared my experience working on a full-stack project involving OracleDB, ReactJS, NodeJS, and ExpressJS. This prompted a follow-up question requiring me to provide a SQL query based on a given scenario, testing my practical database skills.

The interview then transitioned to assessing my interpersonal and team dynamics skills. I was asked about both positive and negative feedback I had received from peers and managers, emphasizing my ability to learn from feedback and continuously improve.

The remainder of the interview consisted of situational questions, where I framed my answers using the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) format. I shared experiences from my teamwork and project development, highlighting my adaptability, conflict resolution, and decision-making abilities.

Microsoft Internship Interview Experience for Software Engineer

Hello everyone! I am thrilled to share my experience of the interview rounds that led to my securing an on-campus internship at Microsoft as a Software Engineer Intern. The process was both challenging and enlightening, giving me a deeper insight into the technical and professional expectations of such a prestigious company. Here’s a detailed account of my assessment and interviews.

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Securing an internship at Microsoft has been a remarkable journey. Each round of the interview process tested different facets of my abilities, from technical skills to personal attributes. The experience has not only enhanced my problem-solving and coding skills but also improved my communication and interpersonal abilities. I am excited about the opportunity to work at Microsoft and contribute to innovative projects in the tech world....