Round 1: Online Aptitude and Technical Test

The first round was an online aptitude and technical test, which was conducted on a popular assessment platform. This test was designed to evaluate the candidates’ fundamental knowledge in various domains including:

  • Quantitative Aptitude: This section covered basic mathematics, logical reasoning, and data interpretation. The questions ranged from easy to moderate in difficulty.
  • Technical Skills: This part tested knowledge of core subjects such as data structures, algorithms, and programming languages like Java, C++, or Python. Questions included multiple-choice as well as coding problems that required writing and debugging code snippets.

The time allotted for this round was about 90 minutes. Successfully clearing this round required a solid understanding of basic concepts and quick problem-solving abilities.

Seclore Interview Experience 2022

In this article, I am going to discuss the round-by-round selection process for Seclore. The role offered by the company was ‘Trainee Product Engineer’. My journey through the interview process was both challenging and enlightening, providing a comprehensive evaluation of my technical and problem-solving skills.

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