Round 2: Technical Interview / HR

Time: 1 HR

Joined the interview and meet with a mixture of nervousness and curiosity.

  • The first question was Self Introduction.
    • Introduced myself, highlighting my educational background, skills, and interests.
  • Reason for Choosing Python
    • Explained the reason behind choosing Python, citing its readability, versatility, and extensive library support.
  • Distinguishing Lists and Tuples
    • Differentiated between lists and tuples, emphasizing lists’ mutability and tuples’ immutability.
  • Definition of Mutable
    • Provided a clear definition of mutable objects, elucidating their ability to be modified after creation.
  • Where is your college located?
    • Shared the geographical location of my college and pertinent information about its surroundings.
  • What is your hometown?
    • Described my hometown and highlighted notable features that characterize it.
  • College related questions
    • Responded to inquiries about my college’s reputation, distinctive programs, and notable faculty.
  • Fibonacci numbers up to a given value
    • Successfully addressed a problem centered around generating Fibonacci numbers up to a specified value.
  • Comprehensive Explanation of OOPs Concepts
    • Provided a comprehensive overview of object-oriented programming concepts, elucidating classes, objects, inheritance, abstraction, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation.
  • Immutability of Strings
    • Clarified that strings are immutable in Python, elaborating on their inability to be altered after creation.
  • Discussion on Interfaces and Abstract Classes ( He shifted his Questions from Python to Java as I Mentioned Core Java as a skill in my Resume)
    • Engaged in a discussion contrasting interfaces and abstract classes within the context of object-oriented programming.
  • Creating Object for Interface
    • Explained that objects cannot be directly instantiated from an interface, citing its abstract nature.
  • Multiple Inheritance in Java
    • Clarified that Java does not support multiple inheritance, where a class inherits from multiple parent classes.
  • Reason for No Multiple Inheritance
    • Explained the ambiguity and complexities that can arise due to multiple inheritance.
  • Diamond Problem
    • Defined the diamond problem and its occurrence in languages with multiple inheritance.
  • Inheriting an Interface
    • Explained how a class can inherit from an interface, implementing its methods and providing concrete implementations
  • Elaboration on Java Access Specifiers.
    • Articulated the roles of various access specifiers in Java, encompassing public, private, protected, and default.
  • The main method in Java
    • Delved into an explanation of the main method’s purpose and structure in Java.
  • Insight into the Static Keyword
    • Offered insights into the significance and usage of the static keyword in Java.
  • Questions based on my Certifications.
    • Responded informatively to queries regarding specific certificates mentioned in my resume.
  • Surprisingly, TR asked, “Did you watch Bahubali 2?” I replied, “Yes,” and then he asked to explain the story in 2.5 minutes.
    • It was a surprising moment for me and explained the story.
  • Later he jumped to Project.
    • Elaborated on the objectives, technologies employed, and my role within the project I undertook.
  • How did you manage to be a team lead?
    • Articulated my journey to becoming a team lead, emphasizing my leadership prowess and contributions.
  • Questions based on team working
    • Skillfully addressed questions concerning teamwork challenges, conflict resolution, and effective collaboration.
  • Are u interested to do an internship?
    • Conveyed genuine interest in pursuing an internship opportunity and articulated the areas of interest.
  • Joining Date
    • Discussed when I would be available to join if offered the position.
  • Details Outside Resume
    • Provided additional relevant information not mentioned in the resume.

Overall, the interview covered a wide range of technical and personal topics, giving me an opportunity to showcase my knowledge, experience, and communication skills.

Tips for this round:

  • Prepare everything mentioned in the resume and SD.
  • I thought this would be a Technical Round, but he covered both TR and HR-related questions.
  • Must have knowledge of Core Java as the Recruiter is more Interested in Java.
  • Be confident and accept your mistake humbly if you don’t know a few answers or you tell wrong answers.
  • The TR was very friendly our interview went like a discussion and also he supported me when I get fumbled.

Clarivate Interview Experience for Software Engineer

A total of 200-300 students from CS/IT, ECE appeared for the On-campus recruitment process, Out of which 8 were selected. The process involved a total of two rounds. I will try to walk you through my experience and also give you some tips/advice for each round.

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Time: 1 HR...