Round 1: The Online Test

The first step in the interview process was an online test. GameCloud Technologies provided a link to an online platform with a mix of multiple-choice questions and short answer sections. The test covered basic QA concepts, logical reasoning, and some gaming knowledge.

To prepare, I reviewed common QA practices and terminology, which helped me navigate through the test. The questions included topics like different types of software testing, bug-tracking systems, and game genres. There were also logic-based questions and some related to general gaming culture, like naming popular video games or explaining gaming terminology.

GameCloud Technologies Interview Experience For A Quality Assurance Tester

When I applied for a Quality Assurance (QA) Tester position at GameCloud Technologies, I knew I was stepping into an exciting opportunity. The gaming industry has always fascinated me, and getting to work for a gaming company felt like a dream come true. Here’s how my interview process unfolded, step by step.

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Round 2: Technical Interview

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