ROUND 1 – Aptitude and Coding

Aptitude: HSBC conducted their test in the AON CoCubes platform.

  • Aptitude questions consisted of numbers, patterns, English comprehension and Programming (C++, Java, HTML, Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, DBMS). All 70 questions were MCQ and were to be solved in 75 minutes.
  • Aptitude and Coding were two different sections. If you cracked Aptitude, only then you were allowed to appear for the coding test.

Coding: The coding section consisted of two questions only and you have to solve them in 30 minutes. Both questions were easy. Solving one question is also enough to qualify for the next round.

  • Given a string STR and a character K, replace the most frequent character occurring in STR with K.
    Example: If STR is “apple” and K is “z” then the output will be “azzle”.
  • Given an array ARR of size N. Your task is to find and print the number of elements of ARR which are: Even numbers and are at the even indices or odd numbers and are at the odd indices.

Out of 150 candidates, only 16 were selected for the next round.

HSBC Interview Experience For TSE (On-Campus) 2024

HSBC came to our campus to hire for the role of Trainee Software Engineer. They were hiring female candidates only.

Eligibility: 60% and above in everything. (CSE and IT only)

Note: All rounds (including HR) were elimination rounds.

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