Rules to Convert Infix Expression to Postfix Expression

There are certain rules used for converting infix expressions to postfix expressions as mentioned below:

  • Initialize an empty stack to push and pop the operators based on the following rules.
  • You are given an expression string to traverse from left to right and while traversing when you encounter an
    • operator: you can directly add it to the output (Initialize a data structure like a list or an array to print the output which stores and represents the required postfix expression).
    • operand: pop the operands from the stack and add them to the output until the top of the stack has lower precedence and associativity than the current operand.
    • open-parenthesis ( β€˜ ( β€˜ ): push it into the stack.
    • closed-parenthesis ( β€˜ ) β€˜ ): Pop the stack and add it to the output until open-parenthesis is encountered and discard both open and closed parenthesis from the output.
  • Once you traverse the entire string, pop the stack and add it to the output, until the stack is empty.






Right to Left

*, /


Left to Right

+, –


Left to Right

To know more about Precedence and Associativity, refer to this article – Precedence – Associativity

Java Program to Convert Infix Expression to Postfix expression

In this article let us discuss how to convert an infix expression to a postfix expression using Java.


1. Infix expression: Infix expressions are expressions where an operator is in between two operators. It is the generic way to represent an expression or relationship between the operators and operands mathematically. Example: 3 * 5, a + b

2. Postfix expression: Postfix expressions are expressions where an operator is placed after all of its operands. Example: 3 5 *, a b +

3. Required Data structures:

Stack: Stack is a linear data structure that follows the Last-In-First-Out principle. we are going to use a Stack data structure for the conversion of infix expression to postfix expression. To know more about the Stack data structure refer to this article – Stack Data Structure.

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