Safety Precautions

When using a vernier Calliper, it is important to take the following safety precautions:

  • Always use a vernier Calliper that is in good condition.
  • Do not use a vernier Calliper to measure objects that are too large or too small for the instrument.
  • Do not use a vernier Calliper to measure objects that are sharp or pointed.
  • Do not use a vernier Calliper to measure objects that are hot or cold.
  • Store a vernier Calliper in a safe place when not in use.

Vernier Calliper

Vernier Calliper is a precision measuring instrument used to measure the internal and external dimensions of an object. It consists of two main parts: 

  • A Fixed Jaw
  • A Movable Jaw

The fixed jaw is used to measure the outside of an object, while the movable jaw is used to measure the inside of an object. This is a device that is used to measure very smaller values and it can measure the value in the range of 0.1 mm. 

In this article, we will learn about Vernier Calliper, its diagram, working, and others in detail.

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FAQs on Vernier Callipers

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