Salary of Back-End Developer

Average Salary:

The average salary of a back-end developer in Kolkata ranges from INR 4,00,000 to INR 8,00,000 per annum, depending on factors such as experience, skills, and the company’s size.

Experience Wise Salary Trend:

Entry-Level (0-2 years): INR 4,00,000 – INR 5,50,000 per annum

Mid-Level (2-5 years): INR 5,50,000 – INR 7,00,000 per annum

Senior-Level (5+ years): INR 7,00,000 – INR 8,00,000+ per annum

Back-End Developer Jobs in Kolkata

Kolkata, well-known for its cultural diversity and flourishing tech sector, is hosting a rising demand for skilled back-end developers as well. These experts are an essential part of web development, making sure that the server-side of applications runs smoothly and without faults. If you are thinking of taking up a back-end developer job in Kolkata, this article will furnish you with useful information about the job scope in the area, companies that hire, salary trends, and so on.

Major roles and responsibilities of a Back-End Developer involve:

  • The development of server-side logic and APIs for web applications.
  • Enabling client-side elements by the use of server-side logic.
  • Guarantee quick and efficient work of web applications.
  • Working hand-in-hand with the front-end developers, designers, and clients.
  • Development of data storage solutions with design and implementation.
  • Ensuring there is security and data protection.
  • Problems shooting and fixing the data via the backend system.
  • Increasing the app’s speed and optimizing for scale.
  • Making code reviews and observing coding standards.
  • To stay informed with new technologies and innovations in the field of back-end development.

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