Salary of IT Project Manager

Average Salary:

Average salary of an IT Project Manager in Jaipur ranges from INR 8,00,000 to INR 15,00,000 per annum based on experience, skills, and the hiring company.

Experience Wise Salary Trend

Less than 3 years: INR 8,00,000

3-5 Years: INR 10,00,000

6-9 Years: INR 12,00,000

10+ Years: INR 15,00,000

IT Project Manager Positions in Jaipur

Jaipur, known for its rich culture and heritage, is also emerging as a hub for IT companies. IT Project Managers play a crucial role in overseeing and executing technology projects within these organizations. In this article, we’ll delve into the landscape of IT Project Manager positions in Jaipur, including companies hiring, job portals, salaries, and experience-wise trends.

Major roles and responsibilities of an IT Project Manager:

  • Making sure that the project follows all cycles of its lifecycles from the initial to the closure stage.
  • Setting up the scope, goals, deliverables, and the end date.
  • Producing job plans, timetables, and fiscal policies.
  • Distribution of resources, such as people, budget, and equipment.
  • Dealt with the project stakeholders and communication issues as well as managing expectations.
  • Supervise running, measuring, and benchmarking the project accomplishment and the goals.
  • In this case, risk management and risk mitigation become very important factors.
  • Make decisions, set goals, and inspire project teams to work hard and reach targets.
  • Control quality, compliance, and report of the projects.
  • This involves achieving a common entity, with the team members being able to work together efficiently.

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