Sample Python Code For To Build Application

Create a directory named scaling and open that directory on the code editor of your choice.

First, create a file and copy-paste the below code :


from flask import Flask
import socket
app = Flask(__name__)
def get_hostname():
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    return f"Hostname: {hostname}\n"
if __name__ == '__main__':, port=5000)

The above script will run a Flask server on port 5000. Now create a Docker image from the above file using a Dockerfile. Create a file named Dockerfile without any extension in the scaling directory.

Copy and paste the below code into that file:

FROM python:3.8

RUN pip install flask


CMD [“python”, “”]

Now create a Docker image which will be stored on your machine using the below command :

docker build -t flaskapi .

How to Use Docker Images For Scaling Applications?

Docker image is a lightweight piece of software that includes everything that your application needs to run, it includes code, software packages, and libraries. Docker images are built using a Docker file which includes the instruction for creating the image. The Docker image is built on top of a base image which is specified on top of the Dockerfile.

Docker images are typically stored in the docker registry such as the DockerHub, or Artifactory. Dockerfile is a source code for Docker images.

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