Scientific Name of Banyan Tree

The Scientific name of the banyan tree is Ficus benghalensis.

The name “banyan tree” has its origins in the Indian subcontinent, particularly in India. The word “banyan” is derived from the Gujarati word “bania,” which means a merchant or trader. The name was given to this type of tree because merchants, traders, and travelers often gathered and conducted business under the shade of these large and sprawling trees.

The banyan tree belongs to the fig family, scientifically known as Moraceae. The family Moraceae includes various species of trees, shrubs, and vines, with the banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) being one of its most well-known members. Ficus is the largest genus within the Moraceae family, comprising more than 800 species of fig trees. Ficus species can be found in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide, and they exhibit a wide range of growth habits and characteristics.

Scientific Name of Banyan Tree

The scientific name of the Banyan tree: Scientific name of the banyan tree is Ficus benghalensis. A banyan tree, also known as “banian,” belongs to the fig family, that grows additional trunks from its roots, helping it spread outward endlessly. This makes banyan trees different from other trees that start as epiphytes, which means they grow on other plants when their seeds germinate in cracks or crevices of a host tree or building. The term “banyan” is often specifically used for Ficus benghalensis, also called the “Indian banyan,” which is India’s national tree. However, the name is also used more generally for all fig trees that have a similar life cycle and are classified under the subgenus Urostigma in taxonomy.

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