Scientific Name of Fruits in India

Scientific names of fruits are listed in the below table, which are common in India:

Name of Fruits

Scientific Name


Carica papaya


Malus domestica


Citrus sinensis


Vitis vinifera


Punica granatum


Cocos nucifera


Artocarpus heterophyllus


Ficus carica

Sapota (Chikoo)

Manilkara zapota

Scientific Names of Fruits

Scientific names of fruits are not the combination of Latin words only. They are a systematic process to classify and understand a wide variety of species. Sometimes it is confusing to remember the names as fruits have different local names. To reduce this confusion scientists created a special way to name fruits called scientific names. The process is based on the fruits’ unique features and evolutionary connections. It helps common people to identify the various fruits more easily. In this article, we will explore the scientific names of those common fruits, that we consume in our daily lives.

Table of Content

  • Scientific Name of Fruits
  • 20 Scientific Names of Fruits
  • Scientific Name of Fruits in India
  • Fruits Scientific Name and Family

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Fruits are the essential part of our daily diet. It helps us to remain fit and healthy by providing essential nutrients such as vitamins, dietary fiber, antioxidants, and natural sugars. There are so many fruits with different local names around us and to avoid this confusion scientists have given specific names for fruits by depending on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships....

FAQs – Scientific Names of Fruits

1. What is the Purpose of using Scientific Names for Fruits?...