Sending Messages to Currently Logged-in Users

To check who is currently logged in and on which terminal the user is logged in will be displayed when w command is executed. w command will display who has logged into the terminal and the actions they are performing.

It displays information about current users on the machine by reading the file /var/run/utmp and their processes /proc. This command comes with a header that displays system activity like current time, system uptime, number of users logged on, 

W command invokes without any option and provides information in the following format,

  • 10:29:40: The current system time
  • up 39 min: Length of time the system has been up
  • 1 user: Number of logged-in users
  • load average: 2.04, 2.16, 1.49: System load average for the past 1, 16, and 49 minutes. System Load Average is the measurement of the number of jobs that are currently running or waiting for disk I/O.

The Second line includes

  • USER: Name of the logged user.
  • TTY: Name of the terminal used by the useR
  • FROM: Host name or IP address from where the user is logged in
  • LOGIN@: Time when the user logged in
  • IDLE: Time since the user last interacted with the terminal
  • JCPU: Time used by all processes attached to the tty
  • PCPU: Time used by the user’s current process. The one displayed in the WHAT field
  • WHAT: User’s current process and options/arguments

If you want to view all the users logged into the system and remove the header part then use, who command

$ who

who command gives output with a formatted list of users currently logged into the system. The line has four fields to display,

  • NAME of the user logged in
  • USER’S Terminal
  • The TIME user logged in
  • HOSTNAME or IP ADDRESS from where the user logged in

Now to send messages to all users, use the wall command, it comes pre-installed in all Linux Distributions which will allow us to send messages to another user in the terminal using tty2. You can use any symbol, character, or white space in the message. After typing the message use CTRL + D to send the message to all users. 

$ wall "Hey, Everyone! Hope Everyone's fine."

How to Send a Message to Logged Users in Linux Terminal?

Linux is a solution to the data center. It is flexible, stable, secure, and reliable. There are many users logged into servers for development purposes, testing, and usage. There are various tools to send messages to other users, but they do not allow widespread sending or sending to specific users due to security issues, so we’re limited to sending messages via terminals. 

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