Serializer Fields

Field Name Description
BooleanField A boolean field used to wrap True or False values.
NullBooleanField A boolean field that accepts True, False and Null values.
CharField CharField is used to store text representation.
EmailField EmailField is also a text representation and it validates the text to be a valid e-mail address.
RegexField As the name defines, RegexField matches the string to a particular regex, else raises an error.
URLField URLField is basically a RegexField that validates the input against a URL matching pattern.
SlugField SlugField is a RegexField that validates the input against the pattern [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+.
IPAddressField IPAddressField is a field that ensures the input is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 string.
IntegerField IntegerField is basically a integer field that validates the input against Python’s int instance.
FloatField FloatField is basically a float field that validates the input against Python’s float instance.
DecimalField DecimalField is basically a decimal field that validates the input against Python’s decimal instance.
DateTimeField DateTimeField is a serializer field used for date and time representation.
DateField DateField is a serializer field used for date representation.
TimeField Timefield is a serializer field used for time representation.
DurationField DurationField is a serializer field used for duration representation.
ChoiceField ChoiceField is basically a CharField that validates the input against a value out of a limited set of choices.
MultipleChoiceField MultipleChoiceField is basically a CharField that validates the input against a set of zero, one or many values, chosen from a limited set of choices.
FileField FileField is basically a file representation. It performs Django’s standard FileField validation.
ImageField ImageField is an image representation.It validates the uploaded file content as matching a known image format.
ListField ListField is basically a list field that validates the input against a list of objects.
JSONField JSONField is basically a field class that validates that the incoming data structure consists of valid JSON primitives.
HiddenField HiddenField is a field class that does not take a value based on user input, but instead takes its value from a default value or callable.
DictField DictField is basically a dictionary field that validates the input against a dictionary of objects.

Serializers – Django REST Framework

The serializers in the REST framework work very similarly to Django’s Form and ModelForm classes. The two major serializers that are most popularly used are ModelSerializer and HyperLinkedModelSerialzer. This article revolves around how to use serializers from scratch in Django REST Framework to advanced serializer fields and arguments. It assumes one is familiar with How to start a project with Django REST Framework.

  • Creating and Using Serializers
  • ModelSerializer
  • HyperLinkedModelSerializer
  • Serializer Fields
  • Core arguments in serializer fields

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Serializer Fields

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Core arguments in serializer fields
