Setting Up Google Cloud Project

  • Create a Project: Go to the Google Cloud Console, create a new project, or select an existing one.
  • Enable Google Calendar API: Navigate to the API & Services dashboard, click on Enable APIs and Services, and enable the Google Calendar API.
  • Create OAuth Credentials: Go to the Credentials tab and create OAuth 2.0 credentials. You will need to specify the authorized redirect URIs. Download the credentials.json file, which contains your client ID and client secret.

While developing a project with numerous functionalities, the work of a developer will be much easier by making use of APIs for minor tasks and actually focusing on the purpose of the application. Instead of coding your own logic for storing calendar attributes, user permissions, and event management details, we can use Google Calendar API which comes with integrated security and calendar modules. We will be saved from the hassle of coordinating overlapping events, sending reminders, notifications, etc.

This article covers the integration of Google Calendar API in the NodeJS application and creating new events with service account authentication. Our aim is to integrate Google Calendar services in the NodeJS application. We need to test whether calendar methods are functioning in our backend NodeJS app with proper error handling mechanisms in case of wrong credentials or lack of permissions given to the user. The 2 functions of the calendar which are integrated into this project are event view and add events.

How to Integrate Google Calendar in Node.js ?

Integrating Google Calendar into a Node.js application allows you to create, modify, and manage calendar events programmatically. This can be useful for various applications, such as scheduling software, personal organizers, or any app that needs to manage events. In this article, we will walk through the steps required to integrate Google Calendar in a Node.js application.


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Setting Up Google Cloud Project

Create a Project: Go to the Google Cloud Console, create a new project, or select an existing one.Enable Google Calendar API: Navigate to the API & Services dashboard, click on Enable APIs and Services, and enable the Google Calendar API.Create OAuth Credentials: Go to the Credentials tab and create OAuth 2.0 credentials. You will need to specify the authorized redirect URIs. Download the credentials.json file, which contains your client ID and client secret....


We will first create a new Google cloud project on the Google developers console. This is the starting step for using Google Cloud services, managing APIs and permissions, and controlling the collaborators for the project.After creating a new project, the next step is to enable API. A project can have more than one API enabled. We will require only one and that is “Google Calendar API“.Now we need to understand how authentication and authorization work in Google Workspace. First, let’s revise the definitions of these 2 terms.Authentication: the process of verifying identity.Authorization: verifying whether the application/user can access certain resources.Google Workspace offers 2 types of authentication: user authentication and app authentication. We will be using app authentication, in which the app authenticates on behalf of the user to use Google services....

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