Sexual Reproduction Plant

Flowers are reproductive parts of plants. A typical flower consists mainly of four parts– sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils.

Types of Flowers 

  1. Bisexual flower -The flower that has both male and female reproductive organs is known as a bisexual flower because it has both stamens and carpels. The hibiscus, lily, mustard, rose, and sunflower is some examples of bisexual flowers.
  2. Unisexual flower-Unisexual flowers are those that only include stamens or carpels, the male or female reproductive organs. Cucumber, papaya, pumpkin, and bitter gourd are some examples of unisexual flowers.

Process of Sexual Reproduction in Plants 


  1. The stigma is located at the end of the style and may be sticky. The ovary is located at the bottom, where it is enlarged. Ovules are found in the ovary, and each ovule contains an egg cell. male sperm cells.
  2. pollen grain unites with the female gamete inside the ovule to form. The zygote that results from the union of the germ cells, or fertilization, can develop into a new plant.
  3. Therefore, the pollen must be moved from the stamen to the stigma. Self-pollination is the term used to describe this pollen transfer when it takes place within the same flower. On the other hand, cross-pollination refers to the transfer of pollen from one flower to another. This pollen exchange from one.
  4. Zygote divides from the embryo. Ovule develops a thick coat and changes into seeds gradually.
  5. The ovary changes into fruit and other parts of the flower fall off.
  6. The seed germinates to form a plant under suitable conditions such as air, moisture, etc.

How Do Organisms Reproduce For Class-10 CBSE Science Notes

CBSE Class 10 Chapter-7 How Organisms Reproduce: In the Organisms Reproduce chapter, we will learn the ability of organisms to produce offspring and carry out the next generation. Organisms reproduce in two ways asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction. Asexual is the mode of reproduction in which the production of the individual from a single parent takes place and sexual reproduction is the mode of reproduction in which the production of individuals from both parents.

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FAQs on How Organisms Reproduce?

Q1: Difference between binary fission and multiple fission?...