Solve 403 Error in Spring Boot Post Request

We have different approaches to troubleshoot and solve a 403 error in a Spring Boot POST request.

  • Check Security Configuration: Our security configuration is set up correctly in our Spring Boot Application. We need verify there is restrictions or miss configurations that might be causing to 403 error.
  • CSRF Protection: Make sure our that CSRF protection is properly configured. And Spring Boot security requires CSRF tokens to be included in the POST request by default If out request miss the CSRF token then It might result in a 403 error. We can include the CSRF token in the request header section by default.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Check if your Spring Boot application requires authentication permissions to access this application. With out Authentication and Authorization permission might be leads 403 error. To solve this Review your authentication and authorization settings to make sure they align with your requirements.
  • Request Headers: Double check the headers being sent with your POST request. Ensure that any required headers, such as authentication tokens or content type headers, are included and correctly formatted.
  • Controller and Endpoint Configuration: Needs to review the controller layer and end points in our Spring Boot Application to ensure they match with intended functionality. And one more thing is check if end point have permission to access the resources via POST request.
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing: If you are making CORS request. ensure that CORS is properly configured or not on the server side to allow the post requests from the client. If not CORS configuration leads to 403 error.

Now we will create one more API end point to solve the 403 error in Spring Boot Post Request. Now, open the MyController and created a postOk API endpoint with post mapping.


import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

public class MyController {

    // Endpoint to handle POST requests to "/api/example"
    public String postExample(@RequestBody String data) {
        // Return a response with received data
        return "Received data: " + data;
    // Endpoint to handle POST requests to "/api/success"
    public ResponseEntity<String> postOk(@RequestBody String data) {
        // Create a response message with received data
        String responseMessage = "Received data: " + data;
        // Return an HTTP 200 OK response with the response message
        return ResponseEntity.ok().body(responseMessage);

Now, we will test this API in Postman tool.

Output: 200 OK

We got the output 200 Ok http status code. Here, we used the Check Security Configuration Approach to solve 403 Error. In this way, we can solve 403 Forbidden Error in Spring Boot Post Request.

How to Solve 403 Error in Spring Boot Post Request?

Spring Boot is one of the frameworks used in developing web applications, and it provides a lot of features to solve real-time problems in software industries. In this article, we will explain how to solve the 403 error in the Spring Boot post request. This error is raised due to security configuration, authentication and authorization, and other aspects. This means when we hit related API, then the request goes to the server from the client and the request is processed by the server. The server can handle the requests if proper permissions are not granted to that request, and the request can’t access the resources.

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