Solved Examples on Difference Between Electric Potential and Potential Difference

Question 1: A charge of 10mC is moved from infinity to point A in the Electric field. The work done in this process is 20 Joules. What is the Potential difference?


V= W/q

W= 20 joules

q= 10mC

V= 20/10×10-3= 2kV

Therefore, the potential developed is 2000volts.

Question 2: A Charge of 50mC is moved from one point to another (from A to B). The voltage at A is 50kV, and the Voltage at B is 30kV, Find the Work done by the charge.


VAB = VA– VB = 50kV – 30kV = 20kV

Work done = V× q

= 20kV × 50mC

= 100 Joules

Question 3: What are the SI units of these following quantities: Energy, Potential Difference, Charge, Resistance


The SI Units of the above-mentioned quantities:

Energy⇢ Joules

Potential Difference⇢ Voltage

Charge⇢ Coulomb

Resistance⇢ Ohms

Question 4: Find the current through the circuit when the voltage across the terminal is 30V and the resistance offered by the conductor is 10ohm.


According to ohms Law,


30V = I × 10ohm

I= 3 Amperes

Therefore, the current through the circuit is 3 amperes.

Difference Between Electric Potential and Potential Difference

The flow of electric charges is known as electricity, and it is responsible for producing electric current. An important word associated with electricity is electric potential. A potential difference is required to create the flow of electrons and hence, produce electricity. Before understanding the difference between electric potential and potential difference, let’s first understand the electric potential and potential difference in detail.

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Solved Examples on Difference Between Electric Potential and Potential Difference

Question 1: A charge of 10mC is moved from infinity to point A in the Electric field. The work done in this process is 20 Joules. What is the Potential difference?...

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