Solved Examples on Hexadecimal Number System

Example 1: Convert Hexadecimal 1A5 to Decimal


Multiply First Digit (1) by 16 squared (256)

1×162 = 256

Multiply Second Digit (A, which is 10 in decimal) by 16 to the power of 1 (16)

10×161 = 160

Multiply Third Digit (5) by 16 to the power of 0 (1)

5×160 = 5

Adding the results,

1A5 = 1×162 + A×161 + 5×160

⇒ 1A5 = 1×162 + 10×161 + 5×160

⇒ 1A5 = 256 + 160 + 5 = 421

Decimal Equivalent of Hexadecimal number 1A5 is 421

Example 2: Convert Decimal 315 to Hexadecimal.


Divide Decimal Number by 16

315÷16 = 19 with Remainder 11

The remainder (11) is represented as B in hexadecimal

Repeat the division with the quotient (19)

19÷16 = 1 with Remainder of 3

The remainder (3) is represented as 3 in hexadecimal

Hexadecimal Equivalent of Decimal Number 315 is 13B

Hexadecimal Number System

Hexadecimal Number System is a base-16 numeral system used in diverse fields, especially in computing and digital electronics. It consists of 16 symbols, including numbers 0 to 9 and letters A to F, offering a compact way to represent binary-coded values. The hexadecimal number system is sometimes also represented as, ‘hex’.

Number Systems are various ways to use numbers to represent large numbers and information. The hexadecimal number system is introduced to students in class 9. In this article, we will learn about, the Hexadecimal Number System, Hexadecimal Number System Table, Hexadecimal Number System Examples, and Others in detail.

Before starting with the Hexadecimal Number System we first learn about the Number System.

Table of Content

  • What is Number System?
  • What is Hexadecimal Number System?
  • Hexadecimal Number System Table
  • Hexadecimal Numbers Conversions
  • Place Value of Digits in Hexadecimal Number System
  • Solved Examples
  • Practice Questions on Hexadecimal Number System

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