Solved Examples on LVDT

1. An AC LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is characterized by the following parameters: Input = 6.3 V, Output = 3.2 V, and a range of ±0.5 inches. Determine the following:

  • Calculate the output voltage concerning core position for a core movement ranging from 0.45 inches to -0.30 inches.
  • Find the output voltage when the core is positioned at -0.25 inches from the center.

Given that a 0.5-inch core displacement results in an output voltage of 3.2 V, a 0.45-inch core movement can be calculated as (0.45 * 3.2) / 0.5 = 2.88 V. Similarly, for a -0.30-inch core movement, the output voltage is determined as (-0.30 * -3.2) / (-0.5) = -1.92 V.

To find the output voltage for a -0.25-inch core movement, the calculation is (-0.25 * -3.2) / (-0.5) = -1.6 V.

Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT)

The LVDT stands for Linear Variable Differential Transformer. It converts the Linear motion into an electrical signal using an inductive transducer. Due to its superior sensitivity and accuracy over other inductive transducers, the LVDT is extensively used in many different fields. For measuring linear distance, the linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) is a precise and trustworthy tool. Today, LVDTs are used in computerized manufacturing, robotics, avionics, and machine tools, combining research facilities, high-level analysis, and analysis to detect damage caused by massive rock deformation or other movements in the subgrade of old buildings or structures. physical structure. One try. This method is used to try to detect failure in concrete slopes and warn or correct the condition. One of the special problems with historical buildings is that they can easily be damaged by small deformations in the long run.

Table of Content

  • What is LVDT?
  • Types of LVDT
  • Construction of LVDT
  • Working principle of LVDT
  • Characteristics of LVDT Graph
  • Advantages and Disadvantages OF LVDT
  • Applications of LVDT

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Types of LVDT

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Output of LVDT

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Uses of LVDT

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Characteristics of LVDT

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Applications of LVDT

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So… in a nutshell, we can conclude that the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is a positional transducer that is widely used for many industrial as well as scientific applications. The model of LVDT is similar to the transformer. It is very precise and stable. The LVDT is more heavy-duty and strong because of its solid and simple design, which removes many possibilities of physical contact between the coils and core. The LVDT is very useful for applications that require accurate position sensing because of its highly linear and sensitive nature despite having a very simple structure. When all things are taken into account, the LVDT is a good option for industries like manufacturing, automotive, and aerospace where precise measurements are essential for flawless control and operation and LVDTs are highly repeatable due to their extremely low hysteresis etc benefits are there....

Solved Examples on LVDT

1. An AC LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) is characterized by the following parameters: Input = 6.3 V, Output = 3.2 V, and a range of ±0.5 inches. Determine the following:...


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