Some Advantages of Using NPM FS

  • Every NodeJS project has access to the built-in fs module without requiring installation.
  • Offers a method for working with both binary and text files.
  • Provides a way to keep track of changes to a file or directory.
  • Data streams can be created, read, and written to and from files.
  • Allows access to file paths and directories with the fs module enabling communication with the computer’s file system.

How to Install NPM FS in Node JS ?

The file system module allows you to work with the file system on your computer NodeJS includes the fs module, to communicate with file systems. It provides functionality for interacting with the file system, such as reading from and writing to files, creating and removing directories, etc. The File System module in NodeJS is one of the most important and helpful modules.

Table of Content

  • What is NPM FS?
  • Understanding NodeJS
  • Common use for the File System module
  • Some Advantages of Using NPM FS
  • Asynchronous vs. Synchronous fs Methods
  • Difference between Synchronous methods and Asynchronous methods
  • Installing NPM FS on NodeJS
  • Installing Dependencies for NPM FS
  • Testing the Installation of NPM FS
  • Errors During Installation

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What is NPM FS?

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Understanding NodeJS:

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Common use for the File System module:

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Some Advantages of Using NPM FS

Every NodeJS project has access to the built-in fs module without requiring installation. Offers a method for working with both binary and text files. Provides a way to keep track of changes to a file or directory. Data streams can be created, read, and written to and from files. Allows access to file paths and directories with the fs module enabling communication with the computer’s file system....

Asynchronous vs. Synchronous fs Methods:

Synchronous methods:...

Difference between Synchronous methods and Asynchronous methods:

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Installing NPM FS on NodeJS:

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Installing Dependencies for NPM FS:

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Testing the Installation of NPM FS:

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