Sorting the dataframe using multiple variables

We will now sort our dataframe using multiple variables using the arrange() function. The attributes should be given to the function separated by a column. For example, in the given example the dataframe is sorted by salary column in descending order and product column in ascending order. We will use the % operator for comparing data to be sorted in descending order.

Example: Sorting the dataframe using multiple variables


# Creating dataframe
gfg = data.frame(Customers = c("Roohi", "James", "Satish", "Heera",
                               "Sehnaaz", "Joe", "Raj", "Simran"
                               "Priya", "Tejaswi"),
                 Product = c("Product A", "Product B", "Product C",
                             "Product A", "Product D", "Product B",
                             "Product D", "Product C", "Product D"
                             "Product A"),
                 Salary = c(514.65, 354.99, 345.44, 989.56, 767.50, 
                            576.90, 878.67, 904.56,123.45, 765.78))
# Sorting the dataframe using 
# multiple variables
gfg %>% arrange(Product, desc(Salary))

Output :

Sorting DataFrame in R using Dplyr

In this article, we will discuss about how to sort a dataframe in R programming language using Dplyr package. The package Dplyr in R programming language provides a function called arrange() function which is useful for sorting the dataframe.

Syntax : 

arrange(.data, …)

The methods given below show how this function can be used in various ways to sort a dataframe.

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Sorting the dataframe using multiple variables

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