Spread of Adenovirus

Here are some points discussed about the spread of Adenovirus:

  1. Respiratory Droplets: This virus is majority spread when an infected person coughs and sneezes, their droplet comes in contact with other persons. The droplets contain the virus and can make another person ill.
  2. Close Personal Contact: This includes Hand shaking, hugging can make the process of transmission of this virus easy. This could easily happen in a crowded place like daycares, schools, or any public gathering.
  3. Contaminated Surfaces: Adenovirus can survive on objects and surfaces for a certain period. If a person first touches the contaminated surfaces and then touches the face, especially the nose or mouth, eyes then the virus can easily enter the body and cause infections.
  4. Airborne Transmission: In some situations, adenovirus can spread through small airborne particles called aerosols. The changes in this mode of transmission are very less but can occur in poor ventilation or certain medical procedures.
  5. Lack of Proper Hygiene: Lack of Proper Hygiene such as not washing hands, and regularly not covering mouth, or nose during coughing and sneezing can contribute to the spread of the virus.
  6. Susceptibility: This virus can affect people of all ages, individuals having weak immune systems and those who are already affected with some other disease can get easily infected with this virus.

What is Adenovirus? Symptoms in Adult and Children

Adenovirus is such a virus if it is not taken care of properly and if it happens to us, then it will trouble us with different types of diseases. This family of viruses is very big which can give us many diseases, our ability to breathe, our ability to see in our eyes, and can also cause problems in the work of digesting food. Infections caused by adenovirus are quite common and can occur throughout the year.

Table of Content

  • What is Adenovirus?
  • Spread of Adenovirus
  • Symptoms of Adenovirus in Adults and Children
  • Treatment of Adenovirus
  • Prevention of Adenovirus
  • FAQs on Adenovirus

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