SQL – Rename View

The SQL RENAME VIEW command is used to change the name of existing the view in a database. This command ensures that the view can be renamed without the affecting view structure, dependent objects, or data such as other views, user permissions, and stored procedures.

Syntax for Rename View in SQL Server:

EXEC sp_rename 'old_view_name', 'new_view_name';


  • sp_rename system stored procedure is used to rename a view in SQL.
  • old_view_name denotes the current name of the view which is you want to rename the view in SQL.
  • new_view_name denotes the new name of the view.

SQL – Rename View

In relational databases, views play the main role in simplifying complex queries, enhancing data security, and improving overall database management. So, the requirements of the database evolve to need to rename existing views to reflect their purpose better or to maintain the consistency in the database schema.

Renaming the views in SQL is a fundamental operation that every database developer and administrator should understand.

This article helps you with a comprehensive guide to renaming the views in SQL across various database management systems. We will begin by exploring the importance of views in SQL databases and how renaming them can be necessary for maintaining a well-organized and understandable database schema.

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SQL – Rename View

The SQL RENAME VIEW command is used to change the name of existing the view in a database. This command ensures that the view can be renamed without the affecting view structure, dependent objects, or data such as other views, user permissions, and stored procedures....

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In Conclusion, renaming views in SQL is a straightforward operation that can greatly enhance the clarity and maintainability of the database schema. Whether you are aligning view names with the naming conventions and updating the views to reflect changes in the business requirements or simply improving the organization of database objects understanding how to rename views is essential for effective database management....