1st Interview Round (Technical)

In the first technical interview, I started with my introduction. The interviewer presented me with two puzzles: “Camel and Bananas” (which I had encountered previously, so it was skipped) and the “12 Balls Weight Puzzle.” Following this, the interviewer asked me to explain one of the projects mentioned in my resume in detail (a web application). He then asked a few questions related to that.

  • How did you perform state management?
  • What type of data storage did you use and why?
  • What is responsive design, media queries, and working of Bootstrap

This was followed by a discussion on Object-Oriented Programming:

  • The four pillars of OOP and their applications in software development.
  • A class diagram design exercise for a traffic management system (lasting approximately 10-12 minutes).

Several questions regarding Operating Systems followed:

  • An explanation of paging in memory management.
  • Discussion of the drawbacks of paging and strategies to mitigate them.

The interview also included basic programming questions such as:

  • Writing code to print a star pattern.
  • Finding the third smallest element in an array, with consideration of multiple approaches and selection of the most optimal.
  • Identifying the appropriate data structure for implementing a snake and ladder game.

Duration: 60 minutes

ION Group Interview Experience for SDE

The selection process consisted of a total of 6 rounds, including 1 online assessment and 5 interviews.

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