Step-by-step process to install MySQL using Ansible playbook

Step 1: Launch two EC2 Instances,.

one is the master and the one is a slave. with the help of master-slave configuration, we need to install mysql into the slave instance through, the master instance.

Step 2: Install Ansible

$ sudo amazon-linux-extras install ansible2

  • Now go to /etc/ and check for ansible…. If package Installed, then go to hosts file and make a
  • Master Slave configuration
$cd /etc/ → ls → cd ansible → sudo vi hosts

  • Save and exit
  • Now, check for newly added ip address from master instance terminal by using command;
 ansible all --list-hosts

  • Now, make a communication to all the slave instances from Master instance by using command;
ansible all -m ping

  • Master – Slave Configuration done successful…!!
  • Now, with the help of ansible playbook, we need to install mysql package into the instance.
  • So, Now by using Master server we are going to install mysql package in Slave instance…for that am going to create a playbook

Step 3: Make a directory for playbooks and create a ansible playbook file.

$ mkdir playbooks

Step 4: Create a .yml extension filed playbook to install MySQL package.

$sudo vi package.yml

save the file.

Step 5: Run the Playbook

Execute the playbook, by using following command

$ansible-playbook package.yml

Step 6: Verify

Now, check MYSQL is installed or not in slave servers. In slave instance terminal, using command.

 $ mysql --version

How To Install MYSQL Using Ansible Playbook ?

Introducing MySQL physically on different servers can be a tedious and mistake-inclined process. Be that as it may, with Ansible, an open-source mechanization apparatus, you can computerize the establishment and setup of MySQL across your framework effectively and proficiently. By allowing you to define MySQL installation steps in a playbook, Ansible makes deployment simpler and eliminates the need for manual intervention. With Ansible playbooks, you can guarantee consistency across servers, lessen sending time, and limit the gamble of mistakes.

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MySQL is one of the most well-known open-source social data set administration frameworks (RDBMS) on the planet. It is generally utilized for building versatile and solid data set-driven applications. MySQL is known for its speed, unwavering quality, and convenience, making it a favored decision for organizations, all things considered, from little new companies to huge undertakings....

Key concepts of MySQL

RDBMS: MySQL allows users to store and manage data in tables with predefined associations, following the social model. Administration of SQL: Coordinated Request Language (SQL), the business standard for communicating with social databases, is maintained by MySQL. Customers are able to carry out a variety of actions through the use of SQL orders, such as querying, embedding, refreshing, and erasing data. Open Source: MySQL is open-source programming, and that implies it is uninhibitedly accessible for use, change, and dissemination under the GNU Overall Population Permit (GPL). Because of this, a wide range of developers and users can use it. Security: MySQL provides a wealth of security features, such as access control components, encryption for extremely still and on-the-way data, and auditing capabilities to track the development of informational collections and identify potential security risks....

Primary Terminologies

MySQL: For the storage and management of structured data, a lot of people use MySQL, an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). It offers components, for instance, SQL support, data security, versatility, and execution. Ansible is a configuration management tool. it is a suit of software tools that enables infrastructure as is an open source and suit includes software provisioning, configuration management and application deployment functionality. There is no need to install run time, as it is a stand-alone tool. Ansible Playbooks- playbooks are the basis for really a simple configuration management and multi-machine deployment system. Ansible playbooks are YAML documents containing a set of instructions for Ansible to execute on remote hosts. Playbooks automate tasks like software installation, service configuration, and file management by defining the desired state of systems. Modules for Ansible- Ansible modules are little projects that perform tasks on remote hosts. For common tasks like package management, file manipulation, and service control, Ansible has a lot of built-in modules. The Ansible engine runs modules on the target hosts and sends back the results to the control node....

Step-by-step process to install MySQL using Ansible playbook

Step 1: Launch two EC2 Instances,....


Setting up MySQL informational indexes on various servers is rearranged by presenting MySQL utilizing an Ansible playbook. By depicting attempts inside the playbook, clients can automate the groundwork of MySQL server and users groups, ensuring consistency and unwavering quality across their foundation. By adhering to the bit by bit directions gave in this aide, clients can rapidly and proficiently introduce MySQL on their objective hosts with negligible exertion. With Ansible, managing information base establishments turns into a smoothed out and repeatable interaction, enabling associations to zero in on their center targets without the issue of manual mediation. In rundown, utilizing Ansible playbooks for MySQL establishment offers a versatile and proficient answer for sending data sets, working with better administration and automation of systems undertakings....

mysql using ansible playbook – FAQ’s

What is Ansible playbook, and why use it for introducing MySQL?...