Step-by-Step Process To Integrate Jenkins With Slack

Step 1: Create account or Signup to slack

  • Go to browser and browse and create account or login to account
  • Here i am creating an account, Follow this to create account in slack, Now choose signing with email and provide email

  • Now choose create a workspace, because we are new to slack.

  • Give necessary information like project name, username and so on.

  • Official dashboard of Slack, Here we can messages to team members, we can share files and folders
  • Here we see that jenkins channel, this channel is regarding to our project.

  • Our channel was created successfully and now we need to integrate with jenkins, so that purpose follow below procedure.
  • Now click on Account name
  • Choose Tools and settings in that there is a option manage apps

In manage apps search for Jenkins CI, we need to install this webhook in our slake

  • Jenkins CI is a customizable continuous integration server with over 600 plugins, allowing you to configure it to meet your needs.
  • Now choose add to Slack

  • It’s ask post to channel options. In this search for created name in previously and then click on Add jenkins CI integration.

  • Here we see that Jenkins CI successfully added to our channel.

Step 2: Launch an EC2 Instance

  • Now go to EC2 dashboard and launch EC2 instance

  • Now connect with terminal

Step 3: Install Java and Jenkins

  • In this step we need to install java because jenkins run time is java. Without java we cannot run our jenkins
  • Install java by using following commands
sudo yum -y install java-17*

Now go to jenkins official page and copy jenkins package commands or follow below commands

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo \
sudo rpm --import
sudo yum upgrade

  • Now install jenkins by using following command
sudo yum -y install jenkins

  • Now start and enable jenkins by using following commands
sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins
  • While executing status command it’s shows administration password copy that password. It used to unlock jenkins.

  • Now copy public IP and browse along with Port 8080, Because jenkins run on port 8080

  • Here we see official page of jenkins

Step 4: Install Slack Notification Plugin

  • In this step we are installing Slack Notification Plugin because to connect with our slack channel
  • Go to manage jenkins –> Plugins –> Available plugins –> Slack Notification Plugin

  • Here we see successfully installed

  • Now add downloaded plugin into systems
  • Manage jenkins –> Settings –> Slack
  • In this we need to provide channel name and credentials

  • Click on Manage Jenkins again in the left navigation, and then go to Configure System. Find the Global Slack Notifier Settings section and add the following values:
  • Team Subdomain name
  • Integration Token Credential ID: Create a secret text credential using glD1jIhpVtGwUxhsYq7RspCW as the value. This is provided when we installed jenkins CI.

Now click on save

Step 5: Create a Job

  • Now go to dashboard select pipeline

  • Give description of project

  • Now go to pipeline option in that provide script for pipeline to run. Here is the sample script to run pipeline
def COLOR_MAP = [
FAILURE: 'danger',
SUCCESS: 'good'
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Hello') {
steps {
echo 'Hello World'
post {
always {
echo 'Slack Notifications'
script {
def color = COLOR_MAP[currentBuild.currentResult] ?: 'warning' // Default to 'warning' if build result is not FAILURE or SUCCESS
slackSend (
color: color,
channel: '#jenkins', #channel name
message: "${currentBuild.currentResult} Job ${env.JOB_NAME}\nbuild ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}\nMore info at: ${env.BUILD_URL}"

  • Now save and click on build now
  • Our job was successfully build, here is the pipeline view of job

Step 6: Verify in Slack

  • Now go to slack channel and check notification

Here we see our job notification reflected in our slack channel.

How To Integrate Jenkins With Slack ?

In the present high-speed software development scene, consistent communication and collaboration efforts among teams are foremost. Jenkins, a software automation server, remains as a foundation for automating different undertakings across the product improvement lifecycle. Then again, Slack, a broadly taken-on team communication platform, offers an incorporated hub for continuous conversations, file sharing, and integration with a large number of tools and services. The integration of Jenkins with Slack presents a strong answer for overcoming any issues with automation and coordinated effort, working with streamlined work processes and further developing productivity inside development teams.

This article fills in as an extensive manual for integrating Jenkins with Slack, taking special care of both beginners and professionals. We’ll dig into the key terminologies, clarify the step-by-step integration process, give functional models, and address normal questions through FAQs. By the end, you’ll have a clear comprehension of how to use this integration to encourage better correspondence, upgrade teamwork, and speed up the conveyance of great software products.

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