Step to Install Git on Raspberry Pi

To install Git on Raspberry pi follow the following steps:

Step 1: Open the terminal of Raspberry Pi OS, then write the following command:

sudo apt update

This will update the existing version of your Raspberry Pi OS.

Step 2: Then write the following command to install Git

sudo apt install git

Step 3: Then write ‘Y’ to proceed further. And wait for some time to install

Step 4: Then write the following commands step by step. Which will give proper output. If you get ‘repo’ in the output. Then it is confirmed that it is installed correctly

sudo mkdir /repo

cd /


Here, further, you don’t need to configure anymore. After it, you can directly move, create a new project & work on it as usual. 

How to Install Git on Raspberry Pi?

Git is a widely used version control system that allows developers to track changes in their code and collaborate effectively. Installing Git on a Raspberry Pi helps you manage your projects directly from this versatile and affordable device. This guide will walk you through the steps to install Git on a Raspberry Pi.

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