Steps for Installation

Before we begin, it is important to note that python-libgmail requires Python 2.7 or above, as well as the Google Gmail API client library for Python, which can be installed using pip.

Step 1: To install python-libgmail on Linux, the first step is to open a terminal window and navigate to the directory where you want to download the library. Then, use the following command to download the library:

git clone


This will download the python-libgmail library to your computer. Once the download is complete, navigate to the newly created directory using the following command:

cd gmail


Step 2: Next, we need to install the required dependencies. Use the following command to install the Google Gmail API client library for Python:

pip install –upgrade google-api-python-client


Step 3: With the dependencies installed, we can now install python-libgmail by running the following command:

python install


This command will install python-libgmail and all of its dependencies on your system.

Step 4: To test the installation, open a Python interpreter and type the following command:

import gmail

If the library is installed correctly, you should not see any errors.

Here is an example script that demonstrates how to use python-libgmail to send an email:


import gmail
# Authenticate with the Gmail API
# Create a new message
message = gmail.create_message("", "", "Hello World!", "This is a test email.")
# Send the message
print("Email sent successfully!")


This script will prompt the user to authenticate with the Gmail API, create a new message with the given sender, receiver, subject, and body then sends the message.

When you run the script, it will output the following:

Email sent successfully!



Please note that you need to have the credentials of your google account to use this library and also you should enable the less secure apps option from your google account security settings.

How to Install python-libgmail on Linux?

python-libgmail is a Python library that allows you to interact with your Gmail account using the Gmail API. It allows you to read, send, and delete emails, as well as manage your contacts and labels. In order to use python-libgmail, you will first need to install it on your Linux system. The installation process for python-libgmail on Linux is relatively straightforward and typically involves downloading the source code and running the setup script. However, it is recommended that you have a basic understanding of working with the command line, as well as Python and pip, the package manager for Python.

Here are the steps to install python-libgmail on Linux:

  • Install the necessary dependencies using the package manager.
  • Download the python-libgmail source code from the GitHub repository
  • Extract the downloaded file
  • Use pip to install the package
  • Verify the installation by importing the library in the python console and running a test script.

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Steps for Installation

Before we begin, it is important to note that python-libgmail requires Python 2.7 or above, as well as the Google Gmail API client library for Python, which can be installed using pip....

